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Problemas con las actualizaciones



Hola a todos, soy nueva en este foro y he recurrido aqui porque ya no se que hacer para que vuelvan a funcionar mis sims 3, hace 2 dias o asi se me actualizo el juego a la version 2.6 (yo tenia la 2.3), hoy he intentado jugar y me decia que la version no se correspondia con la del disco que mediante el lanzador de juego intentara solucionarlo, pero le daba a actualizar y me daba un error de modificacion de atributos, asi que lo que he hecho ha sido desinstalar primero los sims 3 trotamundos, no me ha funcionado y he desinstalado los sims 3 tambien, he vuelto a instalar los sims 3 y me funcionan perfectamente, pero a la hora de instalar los sims 3 trotamundos no me deja porque necesita actualizaciones y me sale otra vez lo de error de modificacion de atributos. Alguien puede decirme paso a paso que debo hacer? (no soy muy apañada con el ordenador no entiendo nada...) se lo agradeceria que contestaran lo antes posible. saludos

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    Hola a todos, soy nueva en este foro y he recurrido aqui porque ya no se que hacer para que vuelvan a funcionar mis sims 3, hace 2 dias o asi se me actualizo el juego a la version 2.6 (yo tenia la 2.3), hoy he intentado jugar y me decia que la version no se correspondia con la del disco que mediante el lanzador de juego intentara solucionarlo, pero le daba a actualizar y me daba un error de modificacion de atributos, asi que lo que he hecho ha sido desinstalar primero los sims 3 trotamundos, no me ha funcionado y he desinstalado los sims 3 tambien, he vuelto a instalar los sims 3 y me funcionan perfectamente, pero a la hora de instalar los sims 3 trotamundos no me deja porque necesita actualizaciones y me sale otra vez lo de error de modificacion de atributos. Alguien puede decirme paso a paso que debo hacer? (no soy muy apañada con el ordenador no entiendo nada...) se lo agradeceria que contestaran lo antes posible. saludos

    iba a exponer exactamente esa duda, calcada, y no se porque me da que nosotros, lo que hemos instalado, es la actualizacion para triunfadores, y claro, con el disco de trotamundos, no se puede, esperemos que entre alguien que entienda mas que nosotros, y que nos alcare con certeza a que se puede deber, y que nos ayude a solucionarlo claro. un saludo...!

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      bueno adrysuiza, te dire que la solucion, es actualizar a la 2.7, desde los sims 3, no desde los trotamundos, a mi asi me a funcionado.

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        gracias voy a intentarlo ahora mismo y haber si me funciona

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          When I was luna gold,12 my family had a get together. It had been during summer vacation so I had no school to worry about and I was allowed to stay awake for as long as I wanted. It was about 3:00 a.m. when my mom drove us home. I couldn’t believe that I was still wide awake. My step-father had been dead drunk, and passed out to show how much of a good time he had. I had been sitting in the back seat of the station wagon. I had fun that night, and I was looking forward to the next get together, but the drinking and the smoking, I could do luna gold without.

          We had wow cd keys, been on Highway 126 leaving Fillmore going into Piru, heading east. The mountains were to our left, and I had been sitting behind my mom. I watched as the dark hills dipped and sloped as we drove by, when something caught my attention. A strange craft soared above the mountain peaks. Understand, that the mountains were low and along side the highway, so what I saw was pretty close, I’m guessing about 200 feet. It was elongated and somewhat boomerang shaped. I could clearly make out the cross bars that formed the body. There was a red square box with a yellow flashing light, almost like a beacon. It seemed to fly not forward or backward, but instead length-wise and always to the wow cd keys left.

          Whatever World of Warcraft power leveling, it was, it seemed to be parallel to us the entire way. "Momma," I spoke. "There’s a UFO." Mmmmm, was her only reaction. I rolled down the window a bit to make sure that it wasn’t my imagination or a reflection from any cars behind us. The craft was still there, matching the speed of our station wagon. I told her again, "Momma, there’s a UFO." Again, her only World of Warcraft power leveling response.

          We turned wow gold,into town, and the mountains were off in the distance by this time, and so was the craft that I had been watching this whole time. The craft (for lack of a better word) disappeared through the mountains, and I thought that we were safe until I saw small silvery comets trailing behind the station wagon. I didn’t tell my mom about what I saw this time. She wasn’t paying attention to me anyway. The cometsmoved in and out of my view, slowly streaking to all directions, and always maintaining the same speed as the station wagon. I was intrigued by the beauty of it all, like falling stars which softly glided on the wind. That was my Wwow gold impression.

          By the time world of warcraft power leveling, that we reached home, I no longer saw the craft, nor did I see the silvery comets. I don’t know at which point they left my view. My mom made my bed on the couch as she had done every night. Our house was small so I never had a bedroom to sleep in. She had been tired from the evening’s events, and my thoughts had still been on what world of warcraft power leveling I saw.

          I laid 2moons dil, there awake, in the darkness of the living room, trying to reason what I had seen. Could it really have been just my imagination? I looked out through the window, wondering if the craft or those comets I saw were still there. A face leaned in close against the window and peered in. Its large dark eyes were lifeless. My face grew long in 2moons dil horror.

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            When I was luna gold,12 my family had a get together. It had been during summer vacation so I had no school to worry about and I was allowed to stay awake for as long as I wanted. It was about 3:00 a.m. when my mom drove us home. I couldn’t believe that I was still wide awake. My step-father had been dead drunk, and passed out to show how much of a good time he had. I had been sitting in the back seat of the station wagon. I had fun that night, and I was looking forward to the next get together, but the drinking and the smoking, I could do luna gold without.

            We had wow cd keys, been on Highway 126 leaving Fillmore going into Piru, heading east. The mountains were to our left, and I had been sitting behind my mom. I watched as the dark hills dipped and sloped as we drove by, when something caught my attention. A strange craft soared above the mountain peaks. Understand, that the mountains were low and along side the highway, so what I saw was pretty close, I’m guessing about 200 feet. It was elongated and somewhat boomerang shaped. I could clearly make out the cross bars that formed the body. There was a red square box with a yellow flashing light, almost like a beacon. It seemed to fly not forward or backward, but instead length-wise and always to the wow cd keys left.

            Whatever World of Warcraft power leveling, it was, it seemed to be parallel to us the entire way. "Momma," I spoke. "There’s a UFO." Mmmmm, was her only reaction. I rolled down the window a bit to make sure that it wasn’t my imagination or a reflection from any cars behind us. The craft was still there, matching the speed of our station wagon. I told her again, "Momma, there’s a UFO." Again, her only World of Warcraft power leveling response.

            We turned wow gold,into town, and the mountains were off in the distance by this time, and so was the craft that I had been watching this whole time. The craft (for lack of a better word) disappeared through the mountains, and I thought that we were safe until I saw small silvery comets trailing behind the station wagon. I didn’t tell my mom about what I saw this time. She wasn’t paying attention to me anyway. The cometsmoved in and out of my view, slowly streaking to all directions, and always maintaining the same speed as the station wagon. I was intrigued by the beauty of it all, like falling stars which softly glided on the wind. That was my Wwow gold impression.

            By the time world of warcraft power leveling, that we reached home, I no longer saw the craft, nor did I see the silvery comets. I don’t know at which point they left my view. My mom made my bed on the couch as she had done every night. Our house was small so I never had a bedroom to sleep in. She had been tired from the evening’s events, and my thoughts had still been on what world of warcraft power leveling I saw.

            I laid 2moons dil, there awake, in the darkness of the living room, trying to reason what I had seen. Could it really have been just my imagination? I looked out through the window, wondering if the craft or those comets I saw were still there. A face leaned in close against the window and peered in. Its large dark eyes were lifeless. My face grew long in 2moons dil horror.

            i am sorry, but my english is really bad, and i can't understand your message.

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              estos anteriores mensajes son solo SPAM, te recomendaria q actualizes a la ultima version funcionable, el juego base los sims 3 v1.11, los sims 3 trotamundos v2.6 y los sims 3 diseño y tecnologia es v3.2, de esta manera no habra ningun problema :lol:

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